
What’s next? | Sagittarius from 10th to 12th September

Impulsivity, emotional instability, anger, indefatigable activity – these are the companions of people at this time. People become excitable, a trifle can cause a violent reaction. Quarrels and squabbles break out in public places every now and then. Most of all, households and those who, by the nature of their service, are forced to contact with a large influx of people suffer from this: cashiers, conductors, sellers, etc. Women react especially sharply to everything, since the Moon is their main planet. Chronic diseases are exacerbated, the risk of gastric problems increases due to the desire for too hot and spicy food. There is a danger of acute poisoning. Pregnant women should be especially careful, as the risk of abortion increases on such days. https://astroforyou.org/en/nice
