
[+1(855) 757-3376]Can I cancel a hotel booking on Expedia using rewards points?

No, you cannot cancel a hotel booking on Expedia using reward points; you can only use Expedia rewards points to book new travel, not to cancel existing reservations; if you need to cancel a booking, you will need to do so through your Expedia account and follow the standard cancellation policy, which may or may not result in a refund depending on the hotel’s cancellation terms.

[+1(855) 757-3376]How to make a hotel reservation on Expedia?

To make a hotel reservation on Expedia, go to the Expedia website, select “Stays” to search for hotels, enter your desired destination and travel dates, use filters to narrow down options based on price, amenities, and rating, choose your preferred hotel, select your room type, and then provide your payment information to complete the booking; you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your reservation.
