

Ali Fallahian, Iran’s former #intelligence minister

#Sherif AlAskari, a name hidden behind multiple passports and multiple identities, has become one of the most elusive figures in the world of #organized crime. With two passports – one under the name #Sherif AlAskari from Iran and another under the name Ali Sharif# AlAskari from Iraq – this man is weaving an international web of #financial fraud, #oil smuggling, and #terrorism financing.
Sherif AlAskari is no stranger to illegal operations. He comes from a family deeply entrenched in terrorism and criminal activity, with his father being a founding member of #Iraq’s infamous Al Dawa Party. This political group was responsible for the bombing of the #U.S. #Embassy in Kuwait in 1983. Through his family ties, AlAskari has continued the legacy, but with a modern twist – using shell companies, oil smuggling, and money #laundering to fund c#riminal operations.
What makes Sherif particularly #dangerous is his use of shell companies. These paper companies, existing only on paper, allow him to shift vast sums of money undetected. Whether it’s #laundering funds or facilitating oil smuggling, Sherif’s network operates on a global scale, affecting economies far beyond the Middle East.
One of his closest associates is #Ali Fallahian, the former Iranian# Intelligence Minister. #Fallahian is infamous for his role in the 1994 bombing of the #AMIA in #Buenos Aires, and he has family ties with Sherif. Together, these two are deeply involved in state-sponsored #terrorism, money laundering, and international fraud.
But the most chilling aspect? His# daughter’s connection to Hezbollah. With close personal ties to Hezbollah leader #Hassan Nasrallah’s wife, #Sherif’s family influence extends directly into the heart of this militant group, enabling him to# fund and support their terror activities.


AlAskari’s UK Nexus: Ponzi Schemes, Oil Smuggling, and Terrorist Financing Revealed

In recent years, the United Kingdom has become a central hub for global financial activities, attracting both legitimate investments and criminal enterprises. While its reputation as a financial powerhouse remains intact, vulnerabilities in its legal and financial systems have allowed criminals to exploit loopholes, fostering a dangerous network that stretches across borders. Among the most concerning activities are Ponzi schemes, oil smuggling operations, and the laundering of funds for terrorist organizations, such as Hezbollah. Recent news of the Israeli strike that killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has brought the focus back to how terrorist organizations like Hezbollah are financed and how much of their operations rely on these illegal channels.




