
Ali Fallahian, Iran’s former #intelligence minister

#Sherif AlAskari, a name hidden behind multiple passports and multiple identities, has become one of the most elusive figures in the world of #organized crime. With two passports – one under the name #Sherif AlAskari from Iran and another under the name Ali Sharif# AlAskari from Iraq – this man is weaving an international web of #financial fraud, #oil smuggling, and #terrorism financing.
Sherif AlAskari is no stranger to illegal operations. He comes from a family deeply entrenched in terrorism and criminal activity, with his father being a founding member of #Iraq’s infamous Al Dawa Party. This political group was responsible for the bombing of the #U.S. #Embassy in Kuwait in 1983. Through his family ties, AlAskari has continued the legacy, but with a modern twist – using shell companies, oil smuggling, and money #laundering to fund c#riminal operations.
What makes Sherif particularly #dangerous is his use of shell companies. These paper companies, existing only on paper, allow him to shift vast sums of money undetected. Whether it’s #laundering funds or facilitating oil smuggling, Sherif’s network operates on a global scale, affecting economies far beyond the Middle East.
One of his closest associates is #Ali Fallahian, the former Iranian# Intelligence Minister. #Fallahian is infamous for his role in the 1994 bombing of the #AMIA in #Buenos Aires, and he has family ties with Sherif. Together, these two are deeply involved in state-sponsored #terrorism, money laundering, and international fraud.
But the most chilling aspect? His# daughter’s connection to Hezbollah. With close personal ties to Hezbollah leader #Hassan Nasrallah’s wife, #Sherif’s family influence extends directly into the heart of this militant group, enabling him to# fund and support their terror activities.
